A summary of research and scholarly work by Christopher Martell:
Martell, C. C., & Stevens, K. M. (2021). Teaching history for justice: Centering
activism in students’ study of the past. Teachers College Press.
(purchase book)
Martell, C. C. (Ed.). (2018). Social studies teacher education: Critical issues
and current perspectives. Information Age Publishing.
(purchase book)
Research Journal Articles (Refereed)
Martell, C. C., Martinelle, R., & Chalmers, J. P. (in press). Barriers and pathways to
enacting justice-oriented social studies: A longitudinal study of novice teachers.
Urban Education.
(download pre-publication article)
Shreiner, T. L. & Martell, C. C. (in press). Making race and racism invisible: A critical race analysis of data visualizations in online curricular materials for teaching history. Race, Ethnicity and Education.
(download pre-publication article)
Martell, C. C., Chalmers, J. P., & Martinelle, R. (2024). Becoming and
remaining (un)critical: A longitudinal study of beginning history teachers.
American Educational Research Journal, 61(4), 687-723.
(download article)
Martell, C. C., Harris, L. M., Lee, J., Chalmers, J. P., & Carmichael, J. (2024).
Silent covenants and structural barriers: State standards committees and the
maintenance of race-evasive social studies standards. AERA Open,10(1), 1-16.
(download article)
Harris, L. M., Martell, C. C., Chalmers, J., & Lee, J. S. (2024). "I was in the
room where it happens": Educator agency and community within state social
studies standards committees. Theory & Research in Social Education,
52(2), 163-189.
(download article)
Martinelle, R., Martell, C. C., & Chalmers-Curren, J. P. (2024). Teaching for transformative citizenship: A study of preservice social studies teachers' developing beliefs and practices. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 19(1), 77-94.
(download article)
Martinelle, R., Martell, C. C., & Chalmers-Curren, J. P. (2023). From rowing together to rowing alone: Beginning teachers' beliefs and practices related to multicultural democratic citizenship. Teacher Education Quarterly, 50(4), 54-73.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2023). White elementary teachers and learning to teach race in the social studies classroom: A 6-year longitudinal study. Whiteness and Education, 8(2), 140-158.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. & Stevens, K. M. (2023). Teaching movements in history: Understanding collective action, intersectionality, and justice in the past. The History Teacher, 56(3), 343-366.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2022). A longitudinal study of beginning elementary teachers' beliefs and inquiry-based practices in the history classroom. Teacher Development, 26(5), 627-643. (download article)
Martell, C. C., Martinelle, R. & Chalmers-Curren, J. P. (2022). "We need to teach school differently": Learning to teach social studies for justice. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 46(4), 345-361.
(download article)
Martell, C. C., Carney, M. M., Marin, K. A., & Hashimoto-Martell, E. A. (2021).
Whose research counts? Teacher research and the practitioner-academic divide.
The Teacher Educator, 56(4), 399-426.
(download article)
Stevens, K. M. & Martell, C. C. (2021). Five years later: How the 2016 U.S.
presidential election and the #MeToo Movement impacted feminist social studies
teachers. Theory & Research in Social Education, 49(2), 201-226.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2020). Barriers to inquiry-based instruction: A longitudinal
study of history teachers. Journal of Teacher Education, 71(3), 279-291.
(download article)
Martell, C. C., & Stevens, K. M. (2019). Culturally sustaining social studies
teachers: Understanding models of practice. Teaching and Teacher Education,
86, 1-11.
(download article)
Stevens, K. M. & Martell, C. C. (2019). Feminist social studies teachers:
The role of teachers’ backgrounds and beliefs in shaping gender-equitable
practices. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 43(1), 1-16.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. & Stevens, K. M. (2018). Perceptions of teaching race and
gender: Results of a survey of Massachusetts social studies teachers. The
High School Journal, 101(4), 274-299.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2018). Teaching about race in U.S. history: Examining
culturally relevant pedagogy in a multicultural urban high school. Journal of
Education, 198(1), 63-77.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. & Stevens, K. M. (2017). Becoming a race-conscious social studies
teacher: The influence of personal and professional experiences.
The Social Studies, 108(6), 249-260.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. & Stevens, K. M. (2017). Equity- and tolerance-oriented teachers:
Approaches to teaching race in the social studies classroom. Theory & Research in
Social Education, 45(4), 489-516.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2017). Approaches to teaching race in elementary social studies: A
case study of preservice teachers. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 41(1),
(download article)
Martell, C. C. & Sequenzia, M. R. (2016). Working the dialectic: Teaching and
learning teacher research in social studies. The Educational Forum, 80(4), 407-416.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2016). Divergent views of race: Examining whiteness in the U.S.
history classroom. Social Studies Research and Practice, 11(1), 93-111.
(download article)
Stevens, K. M. & Martell, C. C. (2016). An avenue for challenging sexism: Examining
the high school sociology classroom. Journal of Social Science Education, 15(1), 63-73.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2016). Teaching emerging teacher-researchers: Examining a
district-based professional development course. Teaching Education, 27(1), 88-102.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2014). Building a constructivist practice: A longitudinal study of beginning
history teachers. The Teacher Educator, 49(2), 97-115.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2013). Race and histories: Examining culturally relevant teaching in the
U.S. history classroom. Theory & Research in Social Education, 41(1), 65-88.
(download article)
Martell, C. C. (2013). Learning to teach history as interpretation: A longitudinal study of
beginning teachers. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 37(1), 17-31.
(download article)
Practitioner Journal Articles (Refereed)
Martell, C. C. & Stevens, K. M. (2022). Thinking like an activist in the history classroom. Social Education, 85(5), 333-339.
(download article)
Erickson, S., Dunne, K. A., & Martell, C. C. (2021). Supporting quality social studies
instruction: The social studies practices continuum. Social Studies Research and Practice, 16(2), 172-178.
(download article)
Kissling, M. T. & Martell, C. C. (2014). Analyzing the messages of the State of the Union
Address. Social Education, 78(6), 269-272.
(download article)
Dunne, K. A. & Martell, C. C. (2013). Teaching America's past to our newest Americans:
Immigrant students and United States history. Social Education, 77(4), 192-195.
(download article)
Book Chapters
Martell, C. C., & Stevens, K. M. (2022). Learning to teach history for justice: Racial literacies
and teacher education. In L. J. King (Ed.), Racial literacies and social studies: Curriculum,
instruction, and learning (pp. 181-194). Teachers College Press.
(purchase book)
Collins, T., & Martell, C. C. (2022). From praying towns to the National Day of Mourning:
Centering Indigenous peoples' survivance and resistance within American history. In
L. M. Harris, M. Sheppard, & S. A. Levy (Eds.), Teaching difficult histories
in difficult times: Stories of practice (pp. 105-116). Teachers College Press.
(purchase book)
Martell, C. C., Bryson, J. R., & Chapman-Hale, W. C. (2017). Teaching racial inequity
through the California Gold Rush. In P. Chandler & T. S. Hawley (Eds.), Race lessons:
Using inquiry to teach about race in social studies (pp. 61-74). Information Age Publishing.
(purchase book)
Martell, C. C. (2015). Learning to teach culturally relevant social studies: A white teacher’s
retrospective self-study. In P. Chandler (Ed.), Doing race in social studies: Critical
perspectives (pp. 41-60). Information Age Publishing.
(purchase book)
Martell, C. C., & Hashimoto-Martell, E. A. (2012). Throwing out the textbook: A teacher
research study of changing texts in the history classroom. In H. Hickman & B. J. Porfilio
(Eds.), The new politics of the textbook: Critical analysis in the core content areas
(pp. 305-320). Sense Publishers.
(purchase book)
For conference papers, white papers, dissertation, and other research projects see
Curriculum Vitae here.